Star Dog specializes in helping you develop your puppy into a happy, socialized, well-trained urban canine

Star Dog Puppy Class

  • the urban pup

    STAR DOG provides a safe environment and skills to help clients develop solid training fundamentals for their puppy. Young pups living in urban settings require:

    1)Safe social opportunities with other pups.

    2) Vigorous exercise.

    3) Leash Training.

  • Training Class

    15 Weeks is the minimum age for Star Dog Puppy Class. Requirements:

    1) 6’ leash

    2) Neck collar

    3) Harness (optional)

    Star Dog Puppy Class

    Saturdays 9AM - 10:30pm

  • Training Concepts

    1) Control Walking Exercises

    2) General Obedience Commands

    3) Puppy Agility

    4) Socialization Management

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Every dog is a Star Dog!